Vol VI, Issue 9: February 2020

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 9: February 2020 The February 2020 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “South Asian Countries in Global Trade”. The first-page article titled “Global Trade Regime in Turmoil: An Appraisal for Re-energizing Regional Integration in South Asia” emphasizes that in the face of the turmoil in the global trade regime, there…

Vol VI, Issue 8: January 2020

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 8: January 2020 This January 2020 issue of Thinking Aloud comes with the theme “Challenges of Achieving SDGs in Developing Countries”. The first article “The SDG Costing Exercise and Financing Challenges in Developing countries” reinforces that achieving SDGs requires systemic changes in the attitude and mechanisms in developing countries that…

Vol VI, Issue 7: December 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 7: December 2019 The December 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “Country Competitiveness of Bangladesh”. The first page article titled “Competitiveness of Bangladesh: Is It Holding Back the Development Potentials?” states that the economic growth rate in Bangladesh is at an ever-increasing rate since 2013 which increased from 6%…

Vol VI, Issue 6: November 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 6: November 2019 The November 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “Prospects and Challenges of LDC Graduation for Bangladesh”. The first page article titled “Is There Any Syndrome of ‘Policy Paralysis’ in Bangladesh?” stresses that the government’s inability to carry out critical economic reforms on time due to the…

Vol VI, Issue 5: October 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 5: October 2019 The October 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The first page article titled “The Political Economy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” stresses that there is a need for concerted and strategic efforts made by governments in developing countries to face the challenges…

Vol VI, Issue 4: September 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 4: September 2019 The September 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “Social Protection in Bangladesh”. The first page article titled “The Economics of Social Protection” stresses that while most of the developed economies spend a quite high proportion of their GDPs on social protection (15-30%), a large number of…

Vol VI, Issue 3: August 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 3: August 2019 The August 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “Youth budget and the demographic dividend”. The first page article titled “Unleashing the demographic dividend through investing on youth in Bangladesh” accentuates on utilizing the full potentials of youth population. Bangladesh being at the middle of the period…

Vol VI, Issue 2: July 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 2: July 2019 The July 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “Gender and development”. The first-page article titled “Challenges of female employment in Bangladesh” emphasizes that supply-side factors like child marriage, early pregnancy, reproductive and domestic responsibilities, and low level of skill and education restrict female labour market participation.…

Vol VI, Issue 1: June 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume VI, Issue 1: June 2019 Thinking Aloud steps into the 6th year!  The June 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “The challenges of the national budget of Bangladesh”. The first page article titled “Fiscal policy to address growing inequality in Bangladesh” elaborates the importance of the use of taxation and different…

Vol V, Issue 12: May 2019

Thinking Aloud: Volume V, Issue 12: May 2019 The May 2019 issue of Thinking Aloud focuses on “Human Capital Development”. The first page article titled “Why do the governments of some countries spend low on education and health?” emphasizes the importance of public expenditure in education and health for economic development. The article argues that…