Investment Diversification of Priority Sectors After LDC Graduation

Previous Investment Diversification of Priority Sectors After LDC Graduation Collaboration: UNDP Bangladesh Starting date: December 7, 2023 Completion date: January 31, 2025 Project description: This study aims to identify the priority sectors for investment diversification in the post-LDC scenario and evaluating the growth and investment potential of those priority sectors. Furthermore, it will strategize policy…

Nutrition budget analysis of JANO project

Previous Nutrition budget analysis of JANO project Collaboration: CARE International in Bangladesh Starting date: November 16, 2023 Completion date: January 31, 2024 Project description: The main objective of this study is to examine the government’s investments in nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programs within key ministries over the past three to four years in alignment with NPAN2…

Vol X, Issue 7: December 2023

Thinking Aloud: Volume X, Issue 7: December 1, 2023 The theme of the December 2023 issue of Thinking Aloud is “Emerging Development Challenges in Bangladesh”. The first page article, ‘A “blended regime” in crisis’, puts forth a novel concept in political economy—blended regime—to unravel the current political and economic crisis that is unraveling in Bangladesh.…

Vol X, Issue 6: November 2023

Thinking Aloud: Volume X, Issue 6: November 1, 2023 The theme of the November 2023 issue of Thinking Aloud is “Food Insecurity in Bangladesh”. The first page article, “Addressing food insecurity in Bangladesh: The case of ensuring entitlement to food”, explores the situation with regard to food security in Bangladesh. The article analyses the impact…

SANEM Household Survey Report 2023

Effects of Inflation on the Livelihoods of Poor Households in Bangladesh: Findings from SANEM’s Nationwide Household Survey 2023 (November-December 2020) Citation: Raihan, S., Ahmed, M. T., Hasan, E., Hasan, M., & Surid, T. F. (2023). Effects of Inflation on the Livelihoods of Poor Households in Bangladesh: Findings from SANEM’s Nationwide Household Survey 2023. SANEM Publications,…

Vol X, Issue 5: October 2023

Thinking Aloud: Volume X, Issue 5: October 1, 2023 The October 2023 issue of Thinking Aloud concentrates on the inflationary pressure facing Bangladesh, gender sensitive financial inclusion strategy and challenges to investment facilitation in Bangladesh and the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work. The first page article, “Taming the inflation monster in…

To explore a sustainable pathway for Bangladesh’s energy transformation towards green and clean energy

Previous To explore a sustainable pathway for Bangladesh’s energy transformation towards green and clean energy Collaboration: Tara Climate Ltd Starting date: September 1, 2022 Completion date: September 30, 2024 Project description:The study aims (i) to estimate the economic and financial costs of increasing reliance on LNG imports and their implication for the economy, and (ii)…