SANEM-AAB Policy Brief on Addressing the Vulnerability and Fragility of Young People in Bangladesh

Citation:  Raihan, S., Bidisha, S.H., Sharmin, E., Ahmmed, S., Hasan, E., (2023). Addressing the Vulnerability and Fragility of Young People in Bangladesh.

Vulnerability is a term used to describe a state or condition of being susceptible to harm, damage, or negative impacts. It may arise due to different causes and can be of various forms. Vulnerability to poverty measures the probability that the consumption of a household will lie below the predetermined poverty line in the near future due to the presence of shocks, risks, uncertainty, or other unforeseen events. Vulnerability to employment means the condition or factors that make it harder for people to find and keep a steady job. Vulnerability to the environment means how easily people, communities, or nature can be harmed by things like environmental changes or disasters. The concept of vulnerability with regard to young people implies the ones who are more exposed to risks than their peers. Vulnerability among young people often arises from a combination of factors, including – limited access to education, healthcare, employment, social support, and protection from harm, as well as exposure to adverse environmental and economic conditions. Vulnerable young people may face barriers to achieving their full potential and may require targeted interventions and support to overcome these challenges and build resilience.