FCDO funded the GDI-SANEM Project on “How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the multidimensional poverty in Bangladesh: Evidence from a unique longitudinal data” (July 2023-March 2024).Co-investigator and Research Assistant. Role: literature reviews, data collection, data analysis, and reporting
ILO’s project on “Collection and compilations of data on macroeconomic policy response to the COVID-19 crisis”. Role: Data collection and compilation and writing reports.
Asian Development Bank’s project on “Supporting Technical Education and Skills Development Facility” (December 2020-September 2021). National Economist. Role: Quantitative forecasting, sectoral consultation, and report drafting.
SANEM project with the World Vision Bangladesh on “Measuring the Economic Impact of Women Economic Empowerment” (October 2020 – July 2021): Research Economist. Responsibilities: managing researchers, conducting the survey, analysis, and report writing.
“National Human Development Report” for Bangladesh (Aug-Dec 2020) – UNDP Bangladesh. Research Assistant. Responsibilities: Data analysis and report writing
SANEM project with the Fair Wear Foundation on “Research to measure the additional cost of production due to COVID-19 and the envisaged impact on product prices” (November-December 2020). Research Economist. Responsibilities: Devising the questionnaire, supervising the researchers, data analysis and report writing.
SANEM project with USDA on “The Economic Impact of G.E. Crops Imported into Bangladesh” (October 2020-March 2021). Research Economist. Responsibilities: supervising the researchers, quantitative analysis, and report writing.
SANEM survey with the Asia Foundation “Carrying out Business Confidence Survey in Bangladesh” (July 2020 – June 2021): Research Economist. Responsibilities: Managing field survey, overviewing data cleaning and data analysis, and report drafting.
SANEM project with the Action Aid, Bangladesh on “Research on Technology Inclusivity: Gender and Youth perspective” (June-August 2020): Research Economist. Responsibilities: managing researchers, analysis, and report writing.
RAPID project with UNDP on “Conducting and preparing 2 Social Protection Research and 1 Social Protection Diagnostics: Small Programme Harmonisation; Workfare programmes and the Labour Market; and Urban Diagnostics.” (16 August – 14 November 2019): Research Consultant. Responsibilities: conducting field survey, data cleaning and data analysis, conducting stakeholder consultations, and report writing.
R.I. Project with UNDP on “Midterm Implementation Review of NSSS” (31 December 2018 to 30 April 2019): Research Consultant. Responsibilities: data analysis, conducting stakeholder consultations, and report writing.
Project with UNDESA on “Strengthening national policy capacities for jointly building the Belt and Road towards the Sustainable Development Goals (S.D.G.s).” (29 October 2018 to 5 April 2019): National Consultant. Responsibilities: organising workshops, data mining and quantitative analysis, and report writing.
International Economics Consulting Ltd Project with the Oxford Policy Management (O.P.M.) on “Trade-Mark East Africa (TMEA) Evaluation: Trade and Growth Impact Study.”(1 January 2019- 1 July 2019): Research Associate to the Econometrian. Responsibilities: data collection, developing structural gravity model, econometric simulation exercises, data analysis, and drafting the report.
R.I. Project with UNDP on the “Assessment of The Impact of The Rohingya Crisis in Cox’s Bazar (And Bandarban) District(s)” (23 May 2018 to 31 July 2018): Research Consultant. Responsibilities: research design, questionnaire development and survey management, over-viewing data processing and data analysis, and report writing.
Project with I.O.M. on the “Towards Development of a Labour Market Information System (LMIS)” (31 August 2017 to 31 January 2018): Consultant Economist. Responsibilities: modelling research design, conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders, over-viewing data collection, and conducting F.G.D.s, data analysis, and report writing.
E.I. Project on “Leather and Leather Goods Export from Bangladesh: Potentials, Problems, and Priorities” (1 September 2017 to 28 February 2018): Senior Research Associate. Responsibilities: data analysis, field visits, stakeholder consultation, and report writing.
E.I. Project on the “Trade Diagnostics Studies” (1 September 2017 to 28 February 2018): Senior Research Associate. Responsibilities: data analysis, stakeholder consultation, and report writing.
SANEM’s project with I.L.O. on the “Application of Migration Policy for Decent Work for Migrant Workers: Strengthening the Complaints Mechanism of Migrant Workers for their better protection and reinforce recruitment mechanism” (7 May 2017 – 7 October 2017): Preparing questionnaire, stakeholder consultation, over-viewing data collection and conducting F.G.D.s, data analysis, and report writing.
SANEM’s project with I.L.O., Geneva and Better Work Bangladesh on the “Quantitative Impact Assessment of Better Work Bangladesh” (10 Aug 2015 – 31 July 2018): Preparing questionnaire, and report writing.
SANEM’s project with IDRC, Canada on the “Changing Labour Markets in Bangladesh: Understanding Dynamics in Relation to Economic Growth and Poverty” (1 July 2013 – 30 June 2016): Preparing and handling data, data analysis and report writing.
SANEM’s project with I.Z.A., Germany on the “Reducing Extreme Poverty Through Skill Training for Industry Job Placement” (30 June 2013 – 15 Dec 2016): Data cleaning, and data analysis.