Bangladesh Trade Facilitation: Time Release Study (TRS)
Collaboration: Nathan Associates Inc., USA
Starting date: September 09, 2021
Completion date: March 31, 2022
Project description: To gather more detailed information on the times required for processing and Customs clearance of these products, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded Bangladesh Trade Facilitation (BTF) Project initiated a TRS specific to agricultural commodities at the Benapole Land Port, Chittagong Seaport, and Dhaka Airport. The South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM), a prominent Bangladesh think-tank, carried out the TRS.
Theme: Trade
Team leader:
Dr. Selim Raihan
Team members:
Ali Ahmed
Mahtab Uddin
Recardo Halder
Zareen Tasnim
Fahrin Islam