Vol X, Issue 9: February 2024

Thinking Aloud: Volume X, Issue 9: February 1, 2024 The February 2024 issue of Thinking Aloud is a special issue, showcasing the discussion of the SANEM-IHD joint panel session on “Rethinking Ways to Attain SDGs in South Asian Countries in the Context of the Ongoing Global Challenges”, held in the “IHD Global Conclave on Advancing…

Vol X, Issue 8: January 2024

Thinking Aloud: Volume X, Issue 8: January 1, 2024 The theme of the January 2024 issue of Thinking Aloud is “Development Challenges and Way Ahead”. The first page article, “Bangladesh economy: What lies ahead in 2024?”, reflects on the macroeconomic challenges that Bangladesh faced in 2023 and the deep fault lines in economic governance that…

Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women in Bangladesh

Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women in Bangladesh Citation: Bidisha, S. H., Nahar, M. A., Tiasha, A. M., Rahman, S., & Goswami, J. (2023). Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women in Bangladesh. SANEM Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated socio-economic inequality globally, particularly in developing countries. Considering…

Analysis of Gender Sensitivity of Government Policies: Bangladesh Perspective

Analysis of Gender Sensitivity of Government Policies: Bangladesh Perspective Citation: Nahar, M. A., Tiasha, A. M., Rahman, S., Hasin, F., & Goswami, J. (2023). Analysis of Gender Sensitivity of Government Policies: Bangladesh Perspective. SANEM Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Women in Bangladesh frequently struggle for their rights to be upheld in their homes, communities, and governments. In…

An Analysis of Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Bangladesh Perspective

An Analysis of Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Bangladesh Perspective Citation: Bidisha, S. H., Nahar, M. A., Rahman, S., Tiasha, A. M., Sharmin, E., Chowdhury, O. R., & Goswami, J. (2023). An Analysis of Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Bangladesh Perspective. SANEM Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is a targeted budgetary instrument implemented into multiple developing countries’ fiscal plans. GRB…

SANEM-AAB Policy Brief on Addressing the Vulnerability and Fragility of Young People in Bangladesh

SANEM-AAB Policy Brief on Addressing the Vulnerability and Fragility of Young People in Bangladesh Citation:  Raihan, S., Bidisha, S.H., Sharmin, E., Ahmmed, S., Hasan, E., (2023). Addressing the Vulnerability and Fragility of Young People in Bangladesh. Vulnerability is a term used to describe a state or condition of being susceptible to harm, damage, or negative impacts.…

Is the Bangladesh Paradox Sustainable?

Is the Bangladesh Paradox Sustainable? Citation: Raihan, S., Bourguignon, F., & Salam, U. (Eds.). (2024). Is the Bangladesh Paradox Sustainable?: The Institutional Diagnostic Project. Cambridge University Press. Bangladesh is widely seen as a ‘paradox’. Over the last quarter of a century, it has maintained economic growth and has outperformed many countries on social indicators while…