SANEM, launched in January 2007 in Dhaka, is a non-profit research organization registered with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms in Bangladesh. It is also a network of economists and policymakers with a special emphasis on economic modeling. SANEM aims to promote objective and high quality research in the areas of international trade, macroeconomy, poverty, labour market, environment, political economy and economic modeling. SANEM contributes to governments’ policy-making by providing research supports both at individual and organizational capacities. SANEM has maintained strong research collaboration with global, regional and local think-tanks, research and development organizations, universities, and individual researchers. SANEM arranges regular training programs on economic modeling and contemporary economic issues.
Message From Executive Director
Thematic Areas
- Agriculture and Rural Economy
- Environment and Climate Change
- Human Capital Development
- Infrastructure and Investment
- Institutions and Political economy
- Macroeconomy and Economic Growth
- Migration and Labour Market
- Poverty and Inequality
- Social Protection
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Trade and Regional Integration
SANEM Research Centres
December 2023
Bangladesh is widely seen as a ‘paradox’. Over the last quarter of a century, it has maintained economic growth and has outperformed many countries on social indicators while scoring very low on…
Thinking Aloud
The latest issue of Thinking Aloud dives deep into Bangladesh’s challenges and the way forward for the year 2025. Here’s what to expect: First Page: “Charting a Path Forward: Strategic Priorities…