Research Works of Dr. Bazlul Haque Khondker

Poverty, Inequality, Social Protection and MDG Goals

  1. March (2017)-Emily Wilde and Bazlul Khondker (2017), “Diagnostic Study on the Old Age Allowance and Husband Deserted Destitute Women and Widows Allowance”, Ministry of Social Welfare and Finance Division, March 2017.
  2. August (2015)-Bazlul Khondker (2015), “Options on rationalizing social welfare in Mongolia”, Background paper series no: 01, Project: Updating of Social Protection Strategy of Mongolia, Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection and ADB, August, 2015.
  3. August (2015)-Bazlul Khondker (2015), “Relevance of social protection services delivery versus cash transfers including the implications on infrastructure, staffing, capacity development, supervision and budgets”, Background paper series no: 03, Project: Updating of Social Protection Strategy of Mongolia, Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection and ADB, August, 2015.
  4. August (2015)-Bazlul Khondker (2015), “Role of the private sector, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), and community-based social protection support”, Background paper series no: 03, Project: Updating of Social Protection Strategy of Mongolia, Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection and ADB, August, 2015.
  5. June (2015)-Lisa Hannigan, Bazlul Khondker, Vincent Gainey and Naved Chowdhury, (2015), CFPR-TUP Mid Term Review of BRAC’s Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction – Targeting the Ultra Poor Programme, BRAC, DFID and DFAT, June 2015.
  6. June (2015)-Bazlul Khondker (2015), Is there a trade-off between Social Assistance and Investment in Viet Nam? Application of a SAM based Model, UNDP and MOLISA, June, 2015.
  7. May (2015)-Bazlul Khondker (2015), Vietnam Master Plan for Social Assistance Reform (MPSAR)-Costing Implication and Financing Options, UNDP and MOLISA, May, 2015.
  8. May (2015)-Emily Wylde, Bazlul Khondker, and Nicholas Freeland (2015), Cost Effectiveness of Selected Livelihoods Interventions in Bangladesh, May 2015.

Poverty, Inequality and MDG Goals

  1. April (2015)-Stephen Kidd, Tareq Abu-el-Haj, Bazlul Khondker, Carol Watson and Sharlene Ramkissoon (2015), Social Assistance in Viet Nam: a review and proposals for reform, UNDP and MOLISA, April, 2015.
  2. April (2014)-Stephen Kidd, and Bazlul Khondker (2014), Building a Social Protection System to Address the Demographic Challenges Faced by Bangladesh, Background Paper No 08, Preparation of National Social Protection Strategy for Bangladesh, GED/UNDP, April 2014.
  3. December (2013)-Stephen Kidd, Nicholas Freeland and Bazlul Khondker (2013), International Best Practice in Social Protection: implications for Bangladesh, Background Paper No 09, Preparation of National Social Protection Strategy for Bangladesh, GED/UNDP, December, 2013.
  4. November (2013)-Bazlul Khondker (2013), Poverty, Vulnerability and Inequality in Bangladesh, Background Paper No 01, Preparation of National Social Protection Strategy for Bangladesh, GED/UNDP, November, 2013.
  5. November (2013)-Ahsan Mansur and Bazlul Khondker (2013), A Review of Bangladesh Social Protection System, Background Paper No 10, Preparation of National Social Protection Strategy for Bangladesh, GED/UNDP November, 2013.
  6. October (2013)-Old Age Social Protection option for Bangladesh. October 2013. Bureau of Economic Research and Helpage International.
  7. April (2013)-Stephen Kidd and Bazlul Khondker (2013), “Scoping Report on Poverty and Social Protection in Bangladesh”, AUSAID, April, 2013.
  8. 2013-Stephen Kidd, Phillip White and Bazlul Khondker (2013), “Bangladesh Social Protection Policy and Reform Programme (SPPR)”, DFID, 2013.
  9. April (2011)-MDG Financing Strategy for Bangladesh, General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, April 2011.
  10. April (2011)-Razzaque, M. A., Khondker, B. H. and Raihan, S. (eds) (2011) Poverty, Intrahousehold Distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh: Evidence and Policy Implications, April 2011. University Press Limited, Dhaka.
  11. 2000-Impacts of Globalization on Population Change and Poverty in Rural Areas (2000), Unpublished Mimeo. Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Macro-economy, Economy-Wide Datasets and Economic Modeling

  1. March (2015)-Paper titled “Tourism sector strategy for the seventh plan”. General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. March 2015.
  2. June (2015)-Paper titled “Strategies for the lagging region in Bangladesh”. General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. June 2015.
  3. June (2015)-Paper titled “Growth Projections for the Seventh Five Year Plan Period”. General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. June 2015.
  4. January (2015)-Paper titled “Input-output Structure of Bangladesh Economy 2012”. General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. January 2015.
  5. January (2015)-Paper titled “Social Accounting Matrix for the Bangladesh Economy for 2012”. General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. January 2015.
  6. September (2011)-Paper titled “Input-output Structure of Bangladesh Economy 2006-07” is a part of the volume 1 “Technical Framework Papers: Sixth Five Year Plan”. The editors of the technical framework papers are: Mustafa K. Mujeri, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), and Shamsul Alam, General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. September 2011. BIDS and GED.
  7. September (2011)-Paper titled “A Social Accounting Matrix for Bangladesh 2006/07: Methodology and Results” is a part of the volume 2 “Technical Framework Papers: Sixth Five Year Plan”. The editors of the technical framework papers are: Mustafa K. Mujeri, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), and Shamsul Alam, General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. September 2011. BIDS and GED.
  8. September (2011)-Paper titled “Dynamic CGE Model of Bangladesh” is a part of the volume 2 “Technical Framework Papers: Sixth Five Year Plan”. The editors of the technical framework papers are: Mustafa K. Mujeri, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), and Shamsul Alam, General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. September 2011. BIDS and GED.
  9. September (2011)-Paper titled “Projected Macroeconomic Scenarios for the Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015)” is a part of the volume 2 “Technical Framework Papers: Sixth Five Year Plan”. The editors of the technical framework papers are: Mustafa K. Mujeri, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), and Shamsul Alam, General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. September 2011. BIDS and GED.
  10. September (2011)-Paper titled “Study on Alternative Modes of Financing” is a part of the volume 1 “Macroeconomic issues: Sixth Five Year Plan”. The editors of the background papers are: Mustafa K. Mujeri, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), and Shamsul Alam, General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. September 2011. BIDS and GED.
  11. September (2011)-Paper titled “Urbanization Management and Emerging Regional Disparity in Bangladesh: Policies and Strategies for Decentralized Economic Growth” is a part of the volume 4 “Cross Sectoral Issues: Sixth Five Year Plan Background Papers”. The editors of the background papers are: Mustafa K. Mujeri, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), and Shamsul Alam, General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. September 2011. BIDS and GED.
  12. Jorge Alarcon, Christoph, Bazlul Haque Khondker, and PD Sharma (2011), “Dynamic Social Accounting Matrix (DySAM): Concept, Methodology, and Simulation Outcomes-The Case of Indonesia and Mozambique”, Employment Working Paper Paper No

Macro-economy, Economy-Wide Datasets and Economic Modeling

  1. October (2005)-Paper titled “Globalization-Poverty Interactions in Bangladesh: What Policy Implications Can We Draw?” is a part of the book “Globalization and Poverty: Channels and Policies”. The editors of the book are: Maurizio Bussolo, World Bank, formerly OECD Development Centre, Paris and Jeffery I Round, Department of Economics, University of Warwick. October 2005. Publisher-Routledge.
  2. Paper titled “Implications of WTO Agreements and Domestic Trade Policy Reforms for Poverty in Bangladesh: Short Run vs Long Run Impacts” is a part of the book Thomas W. Hertel and L. Alan Winters (editors) “Putting Development Back into Doha Agenda: Poverty Impacts of a WTO Agreement”. The World Bank
  3. Paper titled “Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Tariff Reforms in Bangladesh: A General Equilibrium Approach” will be a part of the forthcoming book Cockburn, John, Bernard Decaluwe and Veronique Robichaud (editors) “Trade Liberalization and Poverty: A CGE Analysis of the 1990s Experience”. Publisher-IDRC, Canada.
  4. 2008-Cloutier, M., Cockburn, J., Decaluwe, B., Khondker, B.H. and Raihan, S. (2008), “Welfare, Poverty and Distribution Effects of Trade Liberalization: A Review of the CGE Literature”, Chapter 2 of Cockburn, J., Decaluwe, B. and Robichaud, V. (eds) Trade Liberalization and Poverty: A CGE Analysis of the 1990s Experiences in Africa and Asia, Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network, Laval University, Canada.
  5. 2008-Khondker, B.H., Mujeri, M. and Raihan, S. (2008), “Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Tariff Reforms in Bangladesh: A General Approach”, in Chapter 4 of Cockburn, J., Decaluwe, B. and Robichaud, V. (eds) Trade Liberalization and Poverty: A CGE Analysis of the 1990s Experiences in Africa and Asia, Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network, Laval University, Canada.
  6. 2009-Khondker, B.H. and Raihan, S. (2009), “Poverty Impacts of Remittances and Garments: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis”, in Chapter 4 of Narayan, A. and Zaman, H. (eds) Breaking Down Poverty in Bangladesh, The University Press Limited, Dhaka.
  7. 2008-Raihan. S. and Khondker B. (2008) “A Computable General Equilibrium Nanosimulation Approach for the Poverty and Welfare Analysis: An Insight from the Intra-Household Data in Bangladesh”, Chapter 13 in Razzaque, A., Khondker, B. and Raihan, S. (eds.) Poverty, Intrahousehold Distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh: Evidence and Policy Implications, University Press Limited, Dhaka.
  8. 2008-Khondker, B. Raihan, S. and Mujeri, M. (2008) “Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Tariff Reforms in Bangladesh: A General Equilibrium Approach”, Chapter 13 in Cockburn, J., Decaluwe, B. and Robichaud, V. (eds.) Trade Liberalization and Poverty: A CGE Analysis of the 1990s Experience. IDRC, Canada.

Tax and Trade Policy

  1. January (2015)-Ahsan Mansur and Bazlul Khondker (2015), VAT Reform: Project Completion Report-Way Forward for VAT Implementation Support, International Finance Corporation (IFC)/ National Board of Revenue (NBR), January, 2015. Co-authored with Dr. Ahsan Mansur, Former Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  2. December (2014)-Bazlul Khondker (2014), Revenue, Price and Protection Impacts of New VAT Law in Bangladesh, IFC/NBR, December, 2014. Co-authored with Dr. Ahsan Mansur, Former Director, IMF
  3. May (2014)-Bazlul Khondker (2014), VAT Reform: Staffing Assessment, IFC/NBR, May, 2014. Coauthored with Dr. Ahsan Mansur, Former Director, IMF.
  4. March (2014)-Bazlul Khondker (2014), VAT Reform: Tax Payers Communication Strategy, IFC/NBR, March, 2014. Co-authored with Dr. Ahsan Mansur, Former Director, IMF.
  5. July (2013)-Stephen Kidd and Bazlul Khondker (2013), “Price and Poverty Impacts of VAT Introduction in Kiribati”, AUSAID, July, 2013.
  6. 2006-Khondker, B. Raihan, S. and Mujeri, M. (2006) “Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Tariff Reforms in Bangladesh: A General Equilibrium Approach”, MPIA-PEP Working Paper No 2006- 05, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.
  7. 2005-Annabi, N., Khondker, B., Raihan, S., Cockburn, J., and Decaluwé, B. (2005) “WTO Agreements and Domestic Policy Reforms – Implications for Poverty in Bangladesh: A Study in a Dynamic Sequential CGE Framework”, MPIA-PEP Working Paper No 2005-02, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.
  8. October (2014)-Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Policy Reforms in Bangladesh: A General Equilibrium Approach, University of Manchester Centre on Regulation and Competition Working Paper Series no. 86, October 2004. Co-authored with Dr. Selim Raihan, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Dhaka University.
  9. January (1992)-Equity Aspects of the VAT System in Bangladesh: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Unpublished Mimeo. National Board of Revenue. January, 1992


  1. June (1997)-Bazlul Haque Khondker and Abdur Razzaque, “Globalisation and its impact on Bangladesh Economy”, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka. June 1997.
  2. 1992-Economic Impacts of Tourism in Bangladesh (1992): An Input-Output Approach. Coauthored with Dr. Momtaz uddin Ahmed, Professor in Economics, Dhaka University.

Working Paper for the Bangladesh Planning Commission (Between 1999 and 2002); Sustainable Human Development Unit (SHDU) funded by UNDP, Bangladesh

  1. SAM Approach for Informed Policy in Bangladesh. Case Study Series No. 1, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Survey Based Poverty Profiles for Households in the SHD Model. Case Study Series No. 2, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Transmission Mechanisms and Impacts over Time: Growth and Poverty. Case Study Series No. 3, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  4. Output and Income Targeting and their Implications for Poverty. Case Study Series No. 4, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  5. Socio-Economic Analysis: From National Accounts (SNA) to a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). Case Study Series No. 5, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  6. Analysis of Gross Domestic Product: Trends and Structure. Case Study Series No. 6, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  7. Towards a 15 Sector Social Accounting Matrix. Case Study Series No. 7, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  8. Basic Needs Approach to Poverty Analyses in Bangladesh. Case Study Series No. 8, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  9. Measuring Inequality using the HES 1995-96 for Bangladesh. Case Study Series No. 9, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  10. Growth and Its Financing: Options for Bangladesh, Technical Paper Series No. 1, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  11. Health and Education Expenditure: Growth Potential, Multipliers and Poverty Implications, Technical Paper Series No. 2, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  12. Export Shock: Income Loss and Related Short Run Implications due to Drop in Export Demand, Technical Paper Series No. 3, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  13. Survey Based Poverty Trends for Households in the SHD Model (A Comparative Analysis of HES95/96 and 2000), Technical Paper Series No. 4, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  14. Analysis of Poverty Dynamics: An Integrated Approach (A Comparative Analysis of HES-1995/96 and HIES-2000), Technical Paper Series No. 5, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  15. Input-Output Table 2000 for Bangladesh: Results and Analysis, Technical Paper Series No. 6, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  16. Social Accounting Matrix 2000 for Bangladesh (A Social Accounting Matrix for Sustainable Human Development), Technical Paper Series No. 7, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  17. Benchmarking Gender Concerns Using HIES-2000 Survey, Technical Paper Series No. 8, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  18. Ranking of Economic Sectors in Terms of Their Poverty Reducing Effects, GED Paper Series No. 1, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  19. Credit vs. Transfer: Impact on Poverty Situation, Income Distribution and Growth, GED Paper Series No. 2, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  20. Effects of Reduction of Foreign Aid on Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation, GED Paper Series No. 3, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  21. Investment and Its Determinants, GED Paper Series No. 4, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  22. Technological Change and Their Impacts on Growth and Poverty, GED Paper Series No. 5, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  23. Mapping of the SHD sectors (45) on ADP sectors (17) and GDP sectors (15) of BBS, GED Paper Series No. 6, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  24. Effects of Increased Public Investment on Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty, GED Paper Series No. 7, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  25. Domestic Credit Rationalization: Impacts on Growth, Income and Poverty, GED Paper Series No. 8, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  26. Effects of Phasing Out of Multi Fiber Arrangement (MFA) on Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty, GED Paper Series No. 9, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  27. Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and The SHD Unit, PRS Paper Series No. 1, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  28. Growth and Resource Requirement for Targeted Poverty Reduction (Reduction of Existing Poverty Level by Half by 2010 & 2015), PRS Paper Series No. 2, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  29. Income and Poverty Implications of Export Shock (Bangladesh Perspective), PRS Paper Series No. 3, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  30. Medium Term Macro Framework Proposed by Planning Commission (General Economics Division and SHD Unit), PRS Paper Series No. 4, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  31. Poverty Reduction Strategy for Bangladesh-Some Practical Aspects, PRS Paper Series No. 5, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  32. Monitoring Indicators for PRSP (Indicators Extracted from Country Experiences), PRS Paper Series No. 6, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  33. Synopsis of PRS Monitoring Structures, PRS Paper Series No. 7, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  34. Sources of Economic Growth: Review of Different Approaches, Occasional Paper, No. 1, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  35. Explaining Sources of Growth in East Asia and New Development Strategy for Bangladesh: (Preliminary Thoughts), Occasional Paper, No. 2, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  36. Impact of Globalization on Population Change and Poverty in Rural Areas, Occasional Paper, No. 3, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  37. Growth with Equity: Bangladesh Experience, Occasional Paper, No. 4, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  38. Overview of the SHD Model, Occasional Paper, No. 5, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  39. Monitoring Sustainable Human Development Options: User Interface, Occasional Paper, No. 6, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  40. Salient Features of Dynamic Model, Occasional Paper, No. 7, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  41. Information Technology in Government: An Action Plan for Bangladesh, Occasional Paper, No. 8, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  42. Description of SHD Economic Module, Occasional Paper, No. 9, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  43. External Accounts and Links with Economic and Social Accounts, Occasional Paper, No. 10, SHDU, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Technical Paper Series: Micro Impacts of Macro Adjustment Policy (MIMAP) Project Funded by IDRC, Canada

  1. A Social Accounting Matrix for Bangladesh Economy 1992/93: A Basis for Fixed Price and Flex Price Models, MAP Technical Paper Series No.1, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  2. Poverty Profile and Poverty Alleviation Effects in Bangladesh: A SAM Based Analysis, MAP Technical Paper Series No.2, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  3. A Computable General Equilibrium Model for Poverty Monitoring in Bangladesh, MAP Technical Paper Series No.3 (Revised), CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  4. Potential Implications of Gas Sector boom in Bangladesh: some results from General Equilibrium Analysis, MAP Technical Paper Series No.4, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  5. A Computable General Equilibrium Model for Bangladesh Economy for Monitoring Poverty Consequences of Macroeconomic Policies: User’s Manual, MAP Technical Paper Series No.5, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  6. Consequences of Selected Macroeconomic Policy Changes on Nutrient Availability of Household Groups, MAP Technical Paper Series No.7, CIRDAP, Dhaka
  7. Numerical Specification of Bangladesh Economy: A Social Accounting Matrix 1993/94, MAP Technical Paper Series No.9, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  8. A Financial SAM for Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Estimates, MAP Technical Paper Series No.12, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  9. Impacts of Tariff Liberalization on Distribution and Resource Allocation in Bangladesh, MAP Technical Paper Series No.13, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  10. A Manual for Social Accounting Matrix Construction: The Case of Bangladesh, Map Working Paper Series No. 1, CIRDAP, Dhaka.