Previous Events
An Introduction to GTAP Model

SANEM will arrange a session on “An Introduction to GTAP Model” on 10 October 2022 from 9:30 am-12:30 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT+6). Dr Selim Raihan, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka and Executive Director, SANEM, will conduct the session.
The session will be a part of the “Bay of Bengal Regional Trade and Connectivity Capacity Building Program“. South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM), in collaboration with the USAID and U.S. Department of State-funded Cross-Border Infrastructure and Connectivity project (CBIC), has been conducting this program since October 2021.
The session will be conducted over Zoom. SANEM invites government officials, academics, researchers, officials of business associations, development workers, and interested professionals to join the session. To join the session, please fill up the google form: