Research Works of Mahtab Uddin

  • FCDO funded the GDI-SANEM Project on “How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the multidimensional poverty in Bangladesh: Evidence from a unique longitudinal data” (July 2023-March 2024). Co-investigator and Research Assistant. Role: literature reviews, data collection, data analysis, and reporting
  • ILO’s project on “Collection and compilations of data on macroeconomic policy response to the COVID-19 crisis”. Role: Data collection and compilation and writing reports.
  • Asian Development Bank’s project on “Supporting Technical Education and Skills Development Facility” (December 2020-September 2021). National Economist. Role: Quantitative forecasting, sectoral consultation, and report drafting.
  • SANEM project with the World Vision Bangladesh on “Measuring the Economic Impact of Women Economic Empowerment” (October 2020 – July 2021): Research Economist. Responsibilities: managing researchers, conducting the survey, analysis, and report writing.
  • “National Human Development Report” for Bangladesh (Aug-Dec 2020) – UNDP Bangladesh. Research Assistant. Responsibilities: Data analysis and report writing
  • SANEM project with the Fair Wear Foundation on “Research to measure the additional cost of production due to COVID-19 and the envisaged impact on product prices” (November-December 2020). Research Economist. Responsibilities: Devising the questionnaire, supervising the researchers, data analysis and report writing.
  • SANEM project with USDA on “The Economic Impact of G.E. Crops Imported into Bangladesh” (October 2020-March 2021). Research Economist. Responsibilities: supervising the researchers, quantitative analysis, and report writing.
  • SANEM survey with the Asia Foundation “Carrying out Business Confidence Survey in Bangladesh” (July 2020 – June 2021): Research Economist. Responsibilities: Managing field survey, overviewing data cleaning and data analysis, and report drafting.
  • SANEM project with the Action Aid, Bangladesh on “Research on Technology Inclusivity: Gender and Youth perspective” (June-August 2020): Research Economist. Responsibilities: managing researchers, analysis, and report writing.
  • RAPID project with UNDP on “Conducting and preparing 2 Social Protection Research and 1 Social Protection Diagnostics: Small Programme Harmonisation; Workfare programmes and the Labour Market; and Urban Diagnostics.” (16 August – 14 November 2019): Research Consultant. Responsibilities: conducting field survey, data cleaning and data analysis, conducting stakeholder consultations, and report writing.
  • R.I. Project with UNDP on “Midterm Implementation Review of NSSS” (31 December 2018 to 30 April 2019): Research Consultant. Responsibilities: data analysis, conducting stakeholder consultations, and report writing.
  • Project with UNDESA on “Strengthening national policy capacities for jointly building the Belt and Road towards the Sustainable Development Goals (S.D.G.s).” (29 October 2018 to 5 April 2019): National Consultant. Responsibilities: organising workshops, data mining and quantitative analysis, and report writing.
  • International Economics Consulting Ltd Project with the Oxford Policy Management (O.P.M.) on “Trade-Mark East Africa (TMEA) Evaluation: Trade and Growth Impact Study.” (1 January 2019- 1 July 2019): Research Associate to the Econometrian. Responsibilities: data collection, developing structural gravity model, econometric simulation exercises, data analysis, and drafting the report.
  • R.I. Project with UNDP on the “Assessment of The Impact of The Rohingya Crisis in Cox’s Bazar (And Bandarban) District(s)” (23 May 2018 to 31 July 2018): Research Consultant. Responsibilities: research design, questionnaire development and survey management, over-viewing data processing and data analysis, and report writing.
  • Project with I.O.M. on the “Towards Development of a Labour Market Information System (LMIS)” (31 August 2017 to 31 January 2018): Consultant Economist. Responsibilities: modelling research design, conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders, over-viewing data collection, and conducting F.G.D.s, data analysis, and report writing.
  • E.I. Project on “Leather and Leather Goods Export from Bangladesh: Potentials, Problems, and Priorities” (1 September 2017 to 28 February 2018): Senior Research Associate. Responsibilities: data analysis, field visits, stakeholder consultation, and report writing.  
  • E.I. Project on the “Trade Diagnostics Studies” (1 September 2017 to 28 February 2018): Senior Research Associate. Responsibilities: data analysis, stakeholder consultation, and report writing.  
  • SANEM’s project with I.L.O. on theApplication of Migration Policy for Decent Work for Migrant Workers: Strengthening the Complaints Mechanism of Migrant Workers for their better protection and reinforce recruitment mechanism” (7 May 2017 – 7 October 2017): Preparing questionnaire, stakeholder consultation, over-viewing data collection and conducting F.G.D.s, data analysis, and report writing.  
  • SANEM’s project with I.L.O., Geneva and Better Work Bangladesh on the “Quantitative Impact Assessment of Better Work Bangladesh” (10 Aug 2015 – 31 July 2018): Preparing questionnaire, and report writing.
  • SANEM’s project with IDRC, Canada on the “Changing Labour Markets in Bangladesh: Understanding Dynamics in Relation to Economic Growth and Poverty” (1 July 2013 – 30 June 2016): Preparing and handling data, data analysis and report writing.
  • SANEM’s project with I.Z.A., Germany on the “Reducing Extreme Poverty Through Skill Training for Industry Job Placement” (30 June 2013 – 15 Dec 2016): Data cleaning, and data analysis.